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Auric cutter, design optimised by capt'ain ALBAS. Overall lenght 67cm/26,3inches; hull lenght 55/21,6, height keel+mast 95/37,4 ; width 13/5,1 ; weight 1.2Kg/2,64pounds. Hull dug decked, long keel. Finisches varnished. Small mahogany roof. Polyester sewed sails: jib, staysail and auric main sail. Wire brass equipment deck. Sheet, halyards, polyester, inox shrouds with with turnbuckle brass.

2 Brass winchs.

wood varnished table stand. Sails on wind and run. Delay 4 to 6 weeks. Name of the boat engraved on the hull and the table stand. Owner flag choice of colour: red, blue, pink, yelow, black.

ALBAS 67 custom

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